Calculating money in football betting at asian bookies indonesia is not an easy task and often leaves many people struggling with calculations. To check if the bookmakers accurately pay us our winnings, players must know how to calculate money in football betting. Therefore, in this article, Fun88 bookmaker will provide you with the easiest-to-understand guide on calculating betting money.
I. Why is it necessary to know how to calculate money in football betting?
In the current era of technology 4.0, all forms of betting are conducted online, and payment transactions also take place online. Therefore, players in football betting must know how to calculate money to:
Firstly, verify the reliability of the bookmakers: You can compare your winning money with the odds and the amount of money you have placed to see if they match.
Secondly, understanding how to calculate money in football betting allows us to minimize risks for each bet and choose safer options.
Lastly, acquiring this knowledge will make players more confident in their betting, becoming more professional and fortunate.
II. Guide on calculating money in football betting when winning
In football betting, when you win, players are divided into two categories: full win and half win. Based on this, the bookmakers will calculate your winnings.
How to calculate money in Asian handicap betting
For Asian handicap (1×2) betting, which only has three betting options, players can either win all or lose all. The specific formula for calculating money is as follows:
Calculating money when winning all:
Winning all means the player wins the entire match and receives the total amount of money won. The formula for calculating money is as follows:
Winning money = Bet amount x Betting odds
For example: A player selects the 1×2 odds for the match between Chelsea and Manchester and places a bet of 1,000,000 VND on Manchester to win. The displayed odds for this team are 1.53.

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If Manchester wins, the player receives an amount of money: 1,000,000 x 1.53 = 1,530,000 VND.
Calculating money when losing all:
Losing all means the player loses the entire match and loses the entire bet amount. The formula for calculating money lost is very simple:
Lost money = Bet amount
You place a 1×2 bet with a stake of 1,000,000 VND on Real Madrid to win against Chelsea. The result is that Chelsea wins, and the player loses the entire 1,000,000 bet.
How to calculate Asian Handicap bets:
For Asian Handicap bets, the payout is based on the odds set for each match. Due to the positive and negative odds, the amount of money received by the bookmaker from the player is different from other types of bets, resulting in differences in calculating winnings and losses.
Original stake = Bet amount x Odds
Calculating full win:
When winning the entire match, the player's winnings are calculated as follows:
Winnings = Original stake x Win odds
For example, if the bookmaker receives an original stake of 200,000 and the player predicts a win with odds of 2.3, the winnings would be 200,000 x 2.3 = 460,000 VND.
Calculating half win:
Half win means the player wins half the amount of the bookmaker's stake. The winnings received by the player are calculated using the following formula:
Winnings = (Bet amount x Odds) / 2
Calculating full loss:
Losing a bet is something no one wants, but when losing the entire match, the player has to accept losing the entire bet amount to the bookmaker. The formula is:
Loss amount = Bet amount

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Calculating half loss:
Half loss means the player only loses half of the bet amount to the bookmaker, according to the formula:
Loss amount = (Bet amount x Odds) / 2
How to calculate Over/Under bets:
Over/Under bets have the same calculation method as Asian Handicap bets. Since this type of bet also has cases of full win, half win, full loss, and half loss, once you understand how to calculate the betting amount for the Handicap bet, you will know how to calculate it for Over/Under bets as well.
Knowing how to calculate the betting amount accurately is important when participating in football betting. Each match and each bookmaker has different odds, so you cannot apply a general formula if you participate in multiple betting platforms. However, the basic calculation formulas are the same for most bookmakers.
Furthermore, it's essential to differentiate between different types of bets, such as Asian Handicap, European Handicap, or Over/Under, in order to calculate accurately.
Especially, choose reputable bookmakers so that you don't have to recalculate the betting amount after each participation.
In summary, the above information provides detailed and understandable methods for calculating the betting amount in football betting, suitable for beginners to refer to. By applying these formulas, players can independently calculate their winnings and losses and verify the credibility of the bookmakers. Don't forget to follow betting guides to gain more confidence when analyzing odds.
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