Stoke St Gregory, Somerset, England
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STOKE FOOTPATH GROUP has put together 8 Circular Walks of varying lengths all starting in the square where there is parking, and also refreshments and toilets when the shop or the pub is open. These walks can easily be changed in length by cutting out bits or combining a part of one with another.
If you would like to know more about the FOOTPATH GROUP, and maybe get involved, see the bottom of this page.

Just Click on the Walk Numbers
Walk 1 Huntham - Windmill - Sedgemoor - Huntham 3.7kms 2.3mls
Walk 2 West Sedgemoor - Woodhill - Dark Lane 8kms 5mls
Walk 3 Collickshire - Curload Hill - Playing Fields 2.7kms 1.7mls
Walk 4 North and South of Huntham Lane 3.3kms 2mls
Walk 5 West Sedgemoor and Curry Moor Ridge 7.5kms 4.7mls
Walk 6 Above and along the River Tone 7.2kms 4.5mls
Walk 7 River Tone - Windmill Hill - Willows and Wetlands Centre 3.1kms or 4.1kms 1.9mls or 2.5mls
Walk 8 Dark Lane - Woodhill - East Deane Way - Main Drain - Pincombe Drove 5.7kms 3.5mls
Walk 8a Extension of Walk 8 to Stathe & North Drove
If you are up for trying some new walks, have a look at our 'Beta Walks' page HERE and give us some feedback
Since the summer of 2021 individuals and small groups have been out and about cutting back and trimming around stiles and along some of our footpaths. This is being done with the agreement of the landowners concerned. The footpath group was formed in the summer of 2021 as an offshoot of the Stoke Environment Group. The aim is to encourage people to walk round and across fields and vary their walks to get to know the lovely countryside that surrounds the village.

Footbridge from Dunfield

Space to Walk
Initially, the members of the group cleared stiles, bridges and gates of brambles and nettles to make them easier to navigate. Subsequently, following various trials, the group has put together directions and maps for eight local walks of various lengths - all starting in the village square. This helps people who are new to the village (and those who have never found the footpaths) and has helped ensure that people stick to the rights of way. Some of these were shown at the 2021 Envirofair with a lot of interest from those attending. These are now available below as downloadable and printable pdf files, and some printed copies are available in the cafe (jar for donations towards printing costs). More will follow starting from different places in the village. The group has also replaced missing arrows and ‘re-yellowed’ faded arrows to make them easier to follow. Landowners have generally been co-operative and accepting of our help. The group has regular meetings and ideas for improvements are always forthcoming.

The 'Clammer' in Slough Lane
If you would like to be involved, please contact:
Sarah Evans 07970 856798 or