Stoke St Gregory, Somerset, England
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Stoke St Gregory villagers, young and old, gathered last Saturday to plant 120 metres of native hedging around their Village Hall. About 500 whips of 14 different species were planted, being sourced from Reimagining The Levels and the Woodland Trust. Apart from the general benefits to the local environment, the new hedge will provide an important wildlife corridor from the hedge in Dark Lane to the one in Slough Lane. Roads, buildings and arable fields create huge barriers to wildlife. By filling in the gaps and connecting what must seem like an impossible obstacle course, wildlife - both great and small - can move safely from one place to another.
This is the first environmental project organised by Stoke Environment Group that directly involved members of the community. We hope and believe that this will encourage community ownership of the hedge and the project overall.
Wildlife Corridors
Roads, buildings and arable fields create huge barriers to wildlife. By filling in the gaps and connecting what must seem like an impossible obstacle course, wildlife - both great and small - can move safely from one place to another.
But it’s not just tunnels under motorways, or even hedges round village halls. We can all help to make smaller corridors within our village, especially from garden to garden. Winter is the best time to start. With some of the vegetation died back we can see what’s what.
For ideas, have a look at this RSPB page HERE

Below is a list of the species that were planted

A Big Thank You to everyone - of all ages - who turned up to make this a truly 'Community Planting Day'



Amongst the young people helping was Cecily Arthurs, aged 7½, Kingfisher Class, Stoke St Gregory School, who gave this interview:
Why do you think it is important to plant hedges?
C: Because it makes homes for wildlife and makes more oxygen in the air.
Did you enjoy planting the hedge?
C: Yes, because I saw lots of worms. And worms mean the soil is healthy.
Why do you think it is important to look after the environment in the village?
C: Because I have never seen a hedgehog and I really want to see one. And there will be more homes for squirrels.